It's time for your weekly Dungeon Bump!

Monday November 25th

Good morning, Monsters

Couple things: Luna on level four has added another day of the week to host Tea-time with Luna due to an explosion in popularity as of late. (I have an order in with The Greedmaw to get a pin-up poster of well, IYKYK, to hang up in the Doom). And Jasper the Surly Ghost is offering a loyalty program, every 5 information exchanges, and the sixth one is free (with qualified exchange)!


New to the Bump! On Tales of Aerysia with An Uprising of Dragons…

The current quartet of adventurers sent by Verus to shadow the activities of the Wyrmsfang cult have made a perilous journey across the waters of a swampy region called Mologroth's Mere. It was here that their ranger companion, Dapatys Swifthoof, mysteriously disappeared but in a matter of pure circumstance, a mercurial barbarian named Jon Morhes literally erupted from the ground to confront the remaining three members of Verus's group...the half-elven bard Canta Silvermist, the dwarven cleric Tornan Frostbeard and the tabaxi monk Two River Kawash-Mys...believing them to be Wyrmsfang agents. Thankfully, Verus himself manifested to assure Jon that they were allies and gave his blessing to have Jon become a part of the group since, in Jon's words, their interests aligned. As Jon was the result of nefarious experiments conducted by Wyrmsfang, some of his skin had been replaced by dragon scales and during the journey across the swamp for the sake of following a trail left by Wyrmsfang agents, Jon's sanity had been tested against provocations by a presence that was surmised to be Paroxys, the multi-headed dragon goddess of madness and insanity. Fortuntately, the quartet was able to survive long enough to reach a mysterious castle that was no doubt associated with the chromatic dragon cult. Sliding their boats along the shoreline, they prepared themselves for the challenges to come.

You can catch this tale of Aerysia tomorrow night 8:00pm EST / 11pm PST on 


Ophoric Labs - Creating innovative RPG resources for busy Game Runners. Great place for adventures, ideas and the Wizard Sea!

The Fort of Artemis - Creating digital fantasy landscapes and character art. Awesome custom backdrops and characters for your games.

The Dungeon - The home of Viva La Dungeon, and your resource for TTRPG streaming assets including VTT tokens and pre-built overlays.

This Monday

RP Jesters : : A Variety TTRPG Actual Play Podcast

Warlords of Ippon : 7:00pm EST / 10pm PST : 
Adventures on the other side of our homebrew world of Aerysia on the continent of Ippon, where the Ainu Shogunate struggles to deal with a conspiracy of daimyos intent on sabotaging the rule of a female Shogun!
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Tales of Dra’ih : 8:00pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Theater of the Mind
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Homebrew

Mist Walkers : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew, Body Horror, Heavy RP, Heavy Lore

Tales of Aldha: Breaker of Chains : 9:30pm EST / 6:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Tuesday

Small Town DnD Podcast : : 5e Actual Play podcast
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Homebrew

Dungeons & Destiny: The Last Light Podcast : 8pm EST / 5pm PST : 
System: Dungeons & Destiny VTT: Roll20
TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew, Destiny Inspired

Efferia Unshattered: The Black Sheep : 8:30pm EST / 4:30 PST (Bi-Weekly) :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew

Viva La Dungeon! : 9pm EST / 6pm PST :
System: Original VTT: OBS Sorcery
Light-hearted , Chat Interaction

This Wednesday

Final Boss Fight on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Foundry VTT and Roll20
Light-Hearted, Homebrew

The Feywild West on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Theater of the Mind
TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Dungeon Punks Podcast
Current System: Masks: A New Generation
Light-Hearted, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Task Team M : 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Sir Timothy : 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST :
System: 5e

Dead Empires : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew

Tales of Terramir : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Homebrew, Funny, Horror, Improv

Melos Machina : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: 5e
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Curse of Strahd : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

This Thursday

Eat2Surf : 6:30pm EST / 3:30pm PST :
System: 5E VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Chat Interaction, Homebrew, OSR

Sir Timothy : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e

Rise of the Heroes : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

This Friday

Final Boss Fight on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Foundry VTT and Roll20
Light-Hearted, Homebrew

A Day in San Lourich : 8:30pm EST / 5:30 PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

The Gauntlet : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: 5e
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Saturday

On Tales of Aerysia: 8:00pm EST / 11pm PST : 

The Pit: Uncommon Valor (2nd Saturday of Month)
The Kingdom of Valor on the continent of Lazaras is missing its rightful King and Queen and in order to get answers, a team of five adventurers must descend into what is reputedly the deepest subterranean network in the entire world of Aerysia!
Legends of Lazaras (3rd Saturday of Month)
A series of campaigns which serves as our flagship live game, following the exploits of five adventurers as they face various conundrums throughout the continent of Lazaras!
Tyranny of Dragons (4th Saturday of Month)
An Aerysia-based adaptation of the D&D 5e adventure book comprising two campaigns: An Uprising of Dragons (adapting Hoard of the Dragon Queen) and the Rise of Tiamat (adapting Reign of Paroxys). Join a quartet of adventurers assembled by a mysterious old sage named Verus as they track the movements of the insidious chromatic dragon cult, Wyrmsfang!

System: 5e VTT: Foundry/Talespire
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Difficult Terrain : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

The ApocaBitch Roadshow : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: Indie games VTT: Lich Magic
Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew, Weird

Shadows On The Orient Express : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: Call of Cthulhu VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

Divine Beasts : 12am EST / 9pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Sunday

Sir Timothy : 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST :
System: 5e

The Lucky Bastards : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: Call of Cthulhu 6E VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Even if you can’t make their shows, if you haven’t already, please consider following these great creators! It’s free and helps them out a lot.

Until next Monday,