It's time for your weekly Dungeon Bump!

Monday December 9th

Good morning, Monsters

We are currently recruiting trolls and giants to help us clean out large sections of the Great Swamp on level 5 in preparation for Viva La Dungeon Season 13. We offer 20 goats and 100 feet of fiber-optics to each monster that pitches in.

Exclusive deal from Ophoric Labs!

This exclusive Dungeon Bump deal gets three physical books at a 20% savings!

  • The Wizard Sea Chronicles Zine: Volume 1 - A system agnostic setting complete with location, new creature, full adventure and more! Volume 2 is coming soon!

  • Ziggurat of the Megaton Maiden - The Mutation Nation have taken over Nukton and are holding a ritual to bring the Glow of the Atom to all! Are you worthy of the Megaton Maiden's gift? It's mutate or DIE in this MCC RPG adventure!

  • Ziggurat of the Mega-Maiden - It’s 2 minutes to midnight and you stand at the foot of the Iron Ziggurat. The Cult of Deth is performing a ritual to bring the Wrathchild into the world to enslave or destroy it. Fight your way through this brutal heavy-metal-fueled combat fest.

Head to to get this exclusive Dungeon Bump deal but hurry, offer ends 12/23/24. For more info on all the great RPG resources Ophoric Labs makes check out their patreon.


Ophoric Labs - Creating innovative RPG resources for busy Game Runners. Great place for adventures, ideas and the Wizard Sea!

The Fort of Artemis - Creating digital fantasy landscapes and character art. Awesome custom backdrops and characters for your games.

The Dungeon - The home of Viva La Dungeon, and your resource for TTRPG streaming assets including VTT tokens and pre-built overlays.

This Monday

RP Jesters : : A Variety TTRPG Actual Play Podcast

Warlords of Ippon : 7:00pm EST / 10pm PST : 
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Tales of Dra’ih : 8:00pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Theater of the Mind
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Homebrew

Spirit’s End Fellowship : 8:00pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Mist Walkers : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Fantasy Grounds Unity
Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew, Body Horror, Heavy RP, Heavy Lore

Tales of Aldha: Breaker of Chains : 9:30pm EST / 6:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Tuesday

Small Town DnD Podcast : : 5e Actual Play podcast
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Homebrew

Dungeons & Destiny: The Last Light Podcast : 8pm EST / 5pm PST : 
System: Dungeons & Destiny VTT: Roll20
TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew, Destiny Inspired

Efferia Unshattered: The Black Sheep : 8:30pm EST / 4:30 PST (Bi-Weekly) :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew

Viva La Dungeon! : 9pm EST / 6pm PST :
System: Original VTT: OBS Sorcery
Light-hearted , Chat Interaction

Awesome Blossoms : 9:30pm EST / 6:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Legacy of Fools : 11pm EST / 8pm PST
We’re an in person, actual play Dnd game! We are playing through all of the official published adventures.
System: 5e VTT: Owlbear/Roll20
Light-Hearted, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting

This Wednesday

Final Boss Fight on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Foundry VTT and Roll20
Light-Hearted, Homebrew

The Feywild West on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Theater of the Mind
TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Dungeon Punks Podcast
Current System: Masks: A New Generation
Light-Hearted, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Task Team M : 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Sir Timothy : 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST :
System: 5e

Dead Empires : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew

Tales of Terramir : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Homebrew, Funny, Horror, Improv

Toivoan Trainwreck : 9pm EST / 6pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Melos Machina : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: 5e
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Curse of Strahd : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

This Thursday

Eat2Surf : 6:30pm EST / 3:30pm PST :
System: 5E VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Chat Interaction, Homebrew, OSR

Sir Timothy : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e

Rise of the Heroes : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

This Friday

Final Boss Fight on Spotify 
System: 5e VTT: Foundry VTT and Roll20
Light-Hearted, Homebrew

Friday Night Lites : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

A Day in San Lourich : 8:30pm EST / 5:30 PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

The Gauntlet : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: 5e
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Dragonlance : 10:30pm EST / 7:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Miniatures
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Costumes, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Saturday

Us Against The Gods : 11am EST / 8am PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

On Tales of Aerysia: 8:00pm EST / 11pm PST : 
The Pit: Uncommon Valor (2nd Saturday of Month)
Legends of Lazaras (3rd Saturday of Month)
Tyranny of Dragons (4th Saturday of Month)
System: 5e VTT: Foundry/Talespire
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Difficult Terrain : 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

The ApocaBitch Roadshow : 10pm EST / 7pm PST :
System: Indie games VTT: Lich Magic
Dark, TV-MA, Homebrew, Weird

Shadows On The Orient Express : 11pm EST / 8pm PST :
System: Call of Cthulhu VTT: Foundry
Chat Interaction, TV-MA, Homebrew

Divine Beasts : 12am EST / 9pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

This Sunday

Beneath Fallen Skies : 11am EST / 8am PST :
System: 5e VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, Dark, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Sir Timothy : 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST :
System: 5e

Order of the Goblet : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: 5e VTT: Miniatures
Light-Hearted, Dark, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Costumes, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

The Lucky Bastards : 8pm EST / 5pm PST :
System: Call of Cthulhu 6E VTT: Roll20
Light-Hearted, TV-MA, Chat Interaction, Voice-Acting, Homebrew

Even if you can’t make their shows, if you haven’t already, please consider following these great creators! It’s free and helps them out a lot.

Until next Monday,